Guys having fun while doing good.

On behalf of the Salvation Army I am sending out this link that will allow you to donate to the virtual Red Kettle online.

This is a safe and secure way to make a donation to the Salvation Army, specifically the Hartford branch that as an organization we have supported for several years.

Last year, between direct contributions and the Virtual Red Kettle, the Old Guard raised $8,000.  After visiting with their leadership and seeing and hearing the good they do for our community, I know that every dollar is appreciated and needed.  I know it is a big ask to meet or to exceed last year’s total, but I challenge you to share this link with friends and family.

All donations through this link will be credited to the Old Guard’s totals.  This is grassroots fundraising and it is you who are planting those seeds for a successful campaign.  Below is the link for donating.  I am also attaching a couple of slides to guide you through the process if you are unfamiliar with online donations.

As with previous years, If you prefer to donate directly with a check, I am happy to accept those and submit them to the Salvation Army office directly. Thank you in advance for your generosity and your service to the community.

Click on this link or copy and paste into your browser.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Michael Cabrey –